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NSS Profile

In the year 1969 on the date and month 24/09 the father of nation Mahatha Gandhi with his vision and mission implemented NSS presided by the Central Government Minister V.K.V. Rao which was extended to country wide University and Pre University Colleges with the historic slogan “NOT ME BUT YOU”
The college NSS unit came into force on 23/07/19. On this day our college lecturers Mr. Kyathegowda.S.P was chaired as the Programme Officer with Chandrashekar.C.G as Assistant Programmer Officer. The opening ceremony of our unit office was held on 26/7/19 and presided by our honourable former president DR. H.D.CHOWDAIAH along with the Principal, the Trust Governing Council members and the college work force.
The college NSS unit with its volunteers is very much active and alive to carry out various numerous camps and served parts of the districts to such an extent to that the Programme Officer has been awarded as state’s ace leadership of the state NSS wing along with Sambandh Health Foundations New Delhi.
NSS Heads

Kyategowda S P
Programme Officer
P.E.S. PU College, Mandya

Chandrashekar C G
Assistant Programme Officer
P.E.S. PU College, Mandya
Recent Activities

Ayudha Pooja Celebration
Celebrated Dasara, On Behalf of NSS Team and College, We wish everyone a Happy Dasara Festival!
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